Saturday 26 February 2011

L cuts

I discovered 'L cuts' today.

L cuts are a type of edit in which audio is brought in ahead of video.  This is done for a number of reasons and again is one of those simple types of edits which I've discovered has a proper history and
tecnhique to it.  I've often used an L cut without realising why I've done it, or even knowing that it had a correct name.  It's called an L cut because of the shape it makes on an editing timeline.

Here are some videos explaining L cuts.
Another video

A major reason we do 'L cuts' is because we need to see reactions to people talking.
Another way of L cutting is when switching scenes completely.

2 people are in an office discussing the qualities an interviewee. CUT TO: Interviewee walking down the street while the audio of the 2 people discussing him plays over his journey.

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