Friday 25 March 2011

More on action editing, sequence from "Naked City"

I'm becoming really interested in action editing and the principles that go into that/  I'm becoming more interested in editing in general and I'm so glad I chose it as a craft.  I've learned so much from researching it and I feel it's going to be so valuable to me in the future.

There's a great clip from the 1940's noir film, Naked City, here.

And here's a few things to bear in mind while watching.

Continuity of action, people are moving in the same fashion, generally from left to right across the screen.
Match cutting, from the man who is being chased to the man who is chasing him, we follow this scene well because there is great cutting between the two, which links into the next point.
Thematic pacing, of the cuts, we are not left dwelling on one shot for too long.
Cutting on the action, when there is a big action moment, a cut will happen on, or just slightly after this, possibly also before.

Enjoy the clip!  Watch the full movie actually, it's awesome.

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